Fix the Problem or Be the Problem

Fix the Problem or Be the Problem

Voters want problem solvers 

     Just when you thought healthcare reform in Washington was deader than a doornail a bipartisan group in the House says it is quietly working across the aisle toward an interim solution. 

      For those who find bipartisan to be a new idea, it means Republicans and Democrats get together to work on common concerns rather than battle over their differences.  Imagine that!




       The group of 44 lawmakers evenly split between the parties calls itself the Problem Solvers Caucus.

       As they noted in a letter to the President “Americans want to see their government solve problems.”

     There was a time when we elected people to Congress with the explicit expectation that solving problems would be their job.      

     Now, a caucus comprising 10% of the House sets itself apart from the rest under the banner that says solving problems is what they actually do. 

     You can decide whether this late development means the glass is half empty or half full.

     Although 44 out of 435 Representatives is a tiny fraction, the fledgling caucus has slowly added a few additional members this session—notably, however, none from Utah.


     The gridlock that dominates today’s Congress is out of favor with all but the most extreme partisans.

     As Problem Solvers vice-chair, New York Congressman Tom Suozzi said “The public is sick of politicians. They’re sick of the politics, they’re sick of the finger pointing. They’re sick of everybody blaming each other. They just want us to get something done.”

      The United Utah Party has tapped in to that passion for government reform with a platform calling for greater responsiveness, accountability, and transparency from lawmakers.  The new party’s calls for pragmatism, finding common ground, respectful and reasoned civic dialogue is the right message for our time.  Because what voters want are problem solvers.