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Jared Oates 858.20sc

Jared Oates

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    The Republican National Committee gathered in Salt Lake City and passed a resolution that condemned Representatives Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger for their opposition to last year's deadly insurrection in the nation's capitol. The resolution also redefines this event as citizens engaged in "legitimate political discourse."


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  • published UUP Opposes Divisive Education Bills in Newsfeed 2022-01-30 08:51:26 -0700

    UUP Opposes Divisive Education Bills

    The United Utah Party opposes SB 114 and HB 234. “Both of these bills are unnecessarily divisive and politicize our public education,” says Hillary Stirling, United Utah Party Chair.


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  • published redistricting-2021 in Newsfeed 2021-11-16 21:15:14 -0700

    United Utah Party Calls for a Robust Independent Redistricting Commission

    The legislature released their proposed federal and state district maps for the next decade of elections this weekend. “These maps are a severe disappointment. They’re heavily gerrymandered, dividing up communities and ignoring the will of the people as expressed at the ballot box and at the many hearings the Independent Redistricting Commission held statewide,” said Hillary Stirling, United Utah Party Chair.
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  • published PRESS RELEASE: Inland Port Too Expensive in Newsfeed 2021-10-12 17:54:17 -0600

    PRESS RELEASE: Inland Port Too Expensive

    UUP Says Inland Port Authority Bonds Too Expensive

    Party calls for increased responsibility, accountability with taxpayers' money


    The United Utah Party is concerned by the enormous price tag on the Utah Inland Port Authority’s new bond approval. “This is not what fiscal responsibility looks like,” says UUP Chair Hillary Stirling. “The $150 million is far too high a cost to Utah taxpayers without a guarantee of accountability in construction of the public infrastructure district.”


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  • published PRESS RELEASE: Bears Ears Solution in Newsfeed 2021-10-08 17:26:36 -0600

    PRESS RELEASE: Bears Ears Solution

    United Utah Party Calls on Governor Not to Sue Over National Monuments
    UUP encourages legislative solution to monuments issue, involving input from local and state officials.

    The United Utah Party encourages Governor Cox and state legislators to find and present a legislative solution to the issue of the expansion of Bears Ears and Grand Staircase National Monuments before suing the federal government. These monuments need the stability of a bipartisan agreement so that they and the communities around them are not pulled back and forth by partisan decisions.


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  • published Local Control in Mask Mandates in Newsfeed 2021-08-09 17:10:59 -0600

    Local Control in Mask Mandates

    The United Utah Party is calling for the repeal of HB1007, the law which prohibits face covering mandates in higher education. HB1007 also prohibits the state school board or districts from imposing mask mandates, instead reserving that ability for the governor and county elected officials in conjunction with local health departments.

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  • published Praise for Bipartisan Infrastructure Vote in Newsfeed 2021-07-29 09:19:59 -0600

    Praise for Bipartisan Infrastructure Vote

    Tonight, the United States Senate advanced a $1 trillion physical infrastructure bill with a vote of 67-32, with Utah Senator Mitt Romney voting with the majority and Senator Mike Lee  joining 16 other Republicans to oppose the bill. 

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  • published UUP Platform (2021) 2021-02-16 20:59:56 -0700

    UUP Platform Survey 2021

    We're proud of our platform, which illustrates our moderate, centrist approach. However, we also recognize there's always room for improvement. Accordingly, and as the UUP bylaws require, the platform committee is seeking input from party members for a biannual review of our party platform.

    The platform committee will review your input and submit recommendations to the Executive Committee by March 24.

    If you're not already logged in, you can enter your information below.

    Take the survey
  • published Senator Romney's Impeachment Vote in Newsfeed 2020-02-05 16:00:25 -0700

    Senator Romney's Impeachment Vote

    Today, the state of Utah and, indeed, the nation as a whole witnessed a rare act of unparalleled political courage. Senator Mitt Romney’s decision to vote to convict the president on the charge of abuse of power was a powerful reminder that moral courage is sorely lacking in today's political environment, but that there are individuals who still hold to a sense of the importance of their duty to the country. 

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  • published Reclaiming our Political Power in Newsfeed 2020-01-29 20:12:21 -0700

    Reclaiming our Political Power

    Last Tuesday evening, the backers of Utah's 2019 Tax Referendum announced that they had gathered 152,000 signatures. Of course, those signatures need to be verified by county clerks, and even if the referendum makes it onto the ballot, the ultimate outcome won't be decided until November. Regardless, some very good things have already come from the referendum organizers' efforts.


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  • published New Year New Goals in Newsfeed 2020-01-13 20:55:18 -0700

    New Year New Goals

    2020A new year and even a new decade for us. Many people make new year's resolutions. At the United Utah Party, we want to set some goals for this new year.

    But we want you to help us. Come to the Moving UUP Summit on Saturday, January 18, for a grassroots session on the future goals of the UUP. Go here to register. The party leadership will present what has happened in 2019 and what we want to happen in 2020. But we also will be giving those in attendance an opportunity to help us get there by sharing what they think about goals the party should set for this coming year.

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  • published Seemingly Small Things in Newsfeed 2019-12-04 20:01:38 -0700

    Seemingly Small Things

    Call me sentimental, but one of my favorite Christmas films is It's A Wonderful Life. For those who have lived under a rock during the past 70 years (or hate Christmas movies), the story is about a man, George Bailey, who itches to get out of his small town and make a big contribution to the world. Instead, he keeps getting pulled back to work in his family's building and loan association and remains in his small town. When, later in life, he discovers how much good he has done in his small town, then it dawns on him that the seemingly small things he has done over many years have added up to a big contribution to the world.



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  • published Candidate Nominations 2019-11-29 17:40:12 -0700
  • published Breaking Down Barriers in Newsfeed 2019-11-22 16:34:20 -0700

    Breaking Down Barriers

    In my life I have traveled to several foreign countries and met people from a wide range of places around the globe. The vast majority are gracious and kind. They care about other people and are willing to share when they see someone in need.

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  • published Dissatisfaction is an opportunity in Newsfeed 2019-11-13 21:34:20 -0700

    Dissatisfaction is an Opportunity

    A recent survey announced on Utah found that 48 percent of Utahns disapprove of the job of the state legislature, while only 41 percent approve. That is a significant drop in the past year. Legislators are in trouble.

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  • published Why I'm a Uniter in Newsfeed 2019-11-07 17:08:43 -0700

    Why I'm a Uniter

    The other day, I called my state legislator as a constituent. I was particularly concerned about the special session on tax reform and wanted to hear what his thoughts were. Before he was elected, I knew him to be a devoted family man and political moderate with whom I shared many values and viewpoints, and so I felt comfortable calling him.


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  • published Not Your Typical Minor Party in Newsfeed 2019-10-31 17:47:57 -0600

    Not Your Typical Minor Party

    By all typical definitions of a minor party, we should be ignored. For example, rarely does anyone see much news coverage of the Greens, the Libertarians, or Constitution Party, particularly outside of an election year. The United Utah Party should be treated the same.

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    The U.S. House of Representatives is preparing to vote later this week on a resolution that would outline the process for going forward with an impeachment inquiry into the actions of President Trump.  An impeachment inquiry is a grave step and it should be a rare situation for the nation.  Unfortunately, the controversy over this inquiry has divided across party lines.  Only a handful of Republicans, including Senator Mitt Romney, have noted that the president’s behavior is deeply troubling and require further investigation.

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  • published UUP OPPOSES CURRENT TAX REFORM PROPOSAL in Newsfeed 2019-10-23 21:09:47 -0600

    Press Release: UUP Opposes Current Tax Reform Proposal

    UUP says that changes would hurt the poor and threaten education funding 

    The United Utah Party has issued the following statement in light of proposed tax reforms being considered by Governor Gary Herbert and legislative leaders:
    The United Utah Party opposes the current tax reform proposals being discussed by the governor and legislative leaders. While we agree that something needs to be done to continue to fund government services for Utahns into the future, we believe that the ideas currently being considered are not in the best interests of the people of Utah and could have devastating consequences for Utah’s already underfunded education system.
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  • published Candidate Conscience vs Party Line in Newsfeed 2019-10-17 16:30:49 -0600

    Candidate Conscience vs Party Line


    Sometimes people will tell us that political party doesn't really matter. Why don't our candidates simply run as moderate Republicans, or moderate Democrats, and then they would be able to get elected and vote their consciences anyway? Well, that is not how it works.

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