Principles, Not Partisanship
Do we open businesses to get the economy moving again or wait until testing is widespread and cases are falling and not just on a plateau? That is the question that is dividing the nation today—or at least the partisans.
On one side, many Republicans are pushing for the economy to get moving again. Utah Representative Mike Schultz said that, since the virus will be with us for a year or two, we can't continue to stay home and stay safe. Others have suggested that the elderly should be willing to sacrifice for the good of the economy. Commentator Glenn Beck even said he would do that, although he hasn't taken any steps to do so.
On the other hand, many Democrats are urging the public to listen to public health experts and stay home and safe for sometime longer. They are willing to use the government stimulus checks to cover the lost revenue and jobs that, unfortunately, have resulted from the closure of America's businesses. Of course, those stimulus checks aren't really capable of doing that. America's small businesses are suffering greatly from this catastrophe. They need to get back on their feet quickly.
There is no doubt that the economy needs to be revived—and quickly. However, if it is a choice between the survival of a business—large or small—and the survival of human lives, there should be no question which takes priority. Businesses can be brought back or new ones created. Once a human life is gone, there is no replacement. A loved one cannot be substituted.
COVID-19 is a tragedy. And the partisan division over it is a travesty.
There are some common principles that should prevail:
1) Human life is precious. There should be no discussion of discarding it, particularly from those who consider themselves pro-life.
2) Those who are most affected by this tragedy need to be treated better by our society. This includes those who many people feel shouldn't have their wages raised to $15 per hour because it was their fault they were in low-paying jobs.
3) Since government is closing down businesses, it should provide as much compensation as possible—both during the crisis and afterwards in order to bring our economy back.
4) We are all involved in public health. That is why it is called public health. A decision by one person to flaunt public health guidelines in a pandemic can be threatening to many others.
5) This is a crisis where it makes sense for government to spend more than it takes in. The need is dire. And the private sector cannot come close to rectifying the problem and meeting the need. However, the federal government has a major debt problem. As a nation, we need to take measures—many unpleasant—to restore a balanced budget and begin to pare down this massive debt. Then, we need to create an emergency fund that will provide for crises and avoid further deficits.
These are some principles that should guide us in these uncertain times. We will get through this crisis. But when the next one comes, hopefully we will have replaced the Republican-Democratic divisions with policymakers like those from the United Utah Party who do not view the world in tribal terms, but are willing to adhere to basic principles and work together for the public's good.
–Richard Davis, Chair
UUP Candidates
Be sure to look at the websites and get to know the stances of the awesome people running for office with the United Utah Party this year!
Catherine Eslinger - HD 59
Jonia Broderick - CD 4
Larry Smith - Sanpete County Commission
Austin Simcox - HD 63 (Provo)
Dave Lundgren - HD 41 (Riverton, Bluffdale)
Nils Bergeson - HD 61 (Provo, Orem)
Ammon Gruwell - HD 15 (north Davis County)
Ryan Boudwin - HD 42 (southwest Salt Lake County)
Kate Walters - HD 56 (north Utah County)
Christine Heath - HD 60 (Orem)
Piper Manesse - HD 72 (Iron County)
Emily Bergeson - SD 7 (west Utah County)
Thanks Post Convention
$12,810. That is how much the party raised at the state convention last Saturday. It exceeded our expectations. Thank you for coming through! Thank you to all those who donated to help us elect candidates this year and change government policy to respond to what the citizens want!
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The United Utah Party is dedicated to providing and supporting moderate alternatives to the political extremes.
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