Tired of partisan extremism and gridlock? Try United Utah

Tired of partisan extremism and gridlock? Try United Utah

We want to provide a home for the politically homeless. Who are these homeless? They are moderate Republicans, Democrats and independents who are tired of the extremism of the two major parties. We are a party at the center of Utah voters.

Partisan gridlock, extremism, unwillingness to find common ground, incivility. If those things bother you, you are not alone. Americans are becoming increasingly frustrated with the government they have. Many feel we can do better.

A group of concerned citizens in Utah is doing something about it. We have formed a new political party — the United Utah Party. We have been certified by the state to organize and we will be fielding candidates for 2018. In fact, we are trying to run a candidate for the 2017 special congressional election and are fighting the state right now for the right to get on the ballot.

Why are we doing this? We want to provide a home for the politically homeless. Who are these homeless? They are moderate Republicans, Democrats and independents who are tired of the extremism of the two major parties. We are a party at the center of Utah voters.

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