United Utah Party 2019 State Convention
MIDVALE, UT – On Saturday, May 4, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM, the United Utah Party will be holding its State Convention at Mt. Jordan Middle School in Sandy. Doors will open at 9:30 AM. This will be the third state convention for the party, which has been the most successful third party in Utah state election in the past two elections.
“This will be an organizing convention,” said Richard Davis, the UUP Chair. “We will elect party officers, vote on proposed revisions to the party platform, and discuss party strategy going forward.”
All members of the United Utah Party are designated as delegates to the convention. Party members unable to travel to Sandy will still be able to participate at three different satellite locations in Logan, Vernal, and St. George. Addresses of the locations are available on the front page of the party website, unitedutah.org.
“We want to provide a stark contrast to the Republicans and Democrats, who only allow a relative handful of people to represent their entire parties at state conventions,” Davis said. “We want to be inclusive as possible.”
Those wanting to participate in the convention are encouraged to email [email protected] by April 26 in order to verify their party affiliation and register as a delegate and vote.