Utah County


Uniters' Picnic!

Join us for food and fun as we get to know fellow Uniters across the State. 

When: Saturday, June 26th starting at 5:30pm

Where: Paul Ream Wilderness Park 1600 W 500 N Provo

Food will be provided at no cost. 

Looking forward to seeing you there!


Utah County Leadership:

Get to know your county leaders!


Chair - Lora Beth Brown

For several years I watched with increasing dismay as politics became more extreme, contentious, and dysfunctional. I followed the news on issues I cared about and regularly emailed my concerns to state and federal legislators. I often thought “Why doesn’t someone do something about --?” When I learned of this new Party in 2017, I realized “I can do something. I can join with other like-minded voters to make a difference! I am enthusiastic and optimistic that Uniters are already having a positive impact in Utah! I feel great in my new political home and I'm no longer standing on the sidelines wringing my hands! 

Vice Chair - Emily Bergeson

Politics is a completely new and different world for me. I spent years letting other people worry about whatever was going on in government. I had too many other things to worry about. I had my career, then my family that seemed to take up every minute of my time. Despite all of the things that needed my attention, I finally got to the point when I couldn't ignore the problems that seemed to grow worse and worse with each election. Since getting involved in politics, I have been happily surprised how rewarding this work can be. There are so many fellow citizens out there who care just as much as I do about coming together and finding real solutions. We might not all wear the same party name-tag or fit in the same box, but we all are willing to put in the work and figure this thing out. I'm glad to have a political party as a vehicle to help me more quickly find other like-minded individuals and get work done!

Acting Secretary - Christine Heath

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