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Jan Garbett 109sc

Jan Garbett

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  • signed Immigration Petition July 2018 2018-06-29 13:30:52 -0600

    Immigration Petition July 2018

    95 signatures

    Dear Utah Congressional delegation:

    We, the undersigned, call on the Trump administration and Congress to pass legislation that will correct the current policies of the Trump administration regarding immigration.   Through President Trump's executive order of June 20, 2018, the misguided family separation policy has been ended for future detainees, but there is no provision for a change of status of those currently held.   And the executive order still treats asylum seekers as criminals by imposing a penalty of imprisonment for those who present themselves to immigration authorities without proper documentation.  

    We call on you to work in Congress to pass legislation and urge President Trump to sign such legislation that will:

    Make it illegal in perpetuity to separate children from their parents when crossing the border. 

    Provide adequate resources to reunite families that have been torn apart by the recent policy.

    Remove the provision of automatic imprisonment of asylum seekers. 

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  • signed up on Subscribe 2017-07-31 17:18:05 -0600

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  • published Where are the Utahns I know? in Newsfeed 2017-06-30 22:21:07 -0600

    Where are the Utahns I know?

    by Jan GarbetApril 1, Gregg Schultz wrote an op-ed in the Salt Lake Tribune on Democrats voting in GOP primaries. It echoed the theme in the KSL April 2 special on “Civility: Changing the Conversation” in which our own former governor Jon M. Huntsman promoted a No Label movement to encourage Congressmen to get past the grid lock of partisan politics. But it’s not just politicians that are stuck. It might also be us.

    Schultz’ proposal to frustrated citizens to reclaim a voice targets the earlier stage in the party process where a handful of delegates determine who we get to vote for.

    Ouch. I feel stuck.

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