Report of the United Utah State Convention Meeting
held on Saturday, May 4, 2019 at 10 AM at Mt Jordan Middle School, Sandy, Utah
Number of convention participants attending: Sandy—80 (approximate), Washington County—4, Logan—7, Vernal—1 and out of state—1.
Richard Davis, State Party Chair, welcomed participants and introduced elected and appointed officers and leaders of County Party organizations and staff. Richard introduced the newly adopted Party slogan: “Principles Before Politics”. Delegate response was positive. David Jack led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance and Jim Bennett offered a prayer.
Richard introduced Salt Lake County Mayor Jenny Wilson, who welcomed the convention to Salt Lake County. She spoke about the positive noise of connections being made and the negative noise that divides people. She noted that she identified with the rejection of negative noise, associated with the United Utah Party. She pledged to work for the common good in Salt Lake County.
Richard gave a State of the Party Report. He reviewed the candidates who had run for public office in the 2018 election. He concluded that United Utah was the strongest third party in the state with a viable path to win elections. He set out goals for the coming year and encouraged all to look at and support the “long game”.
Richard introduced individuals who presented Voices of Uniters. They were: Eric Eliason, Laura Mitchell, Chip Dawson, Jonia Broderick, Larry Brown, and Nils Bergeson.
David Bateman, State Party Treasurer, gave a financial report, comparing progress in 2017 and 2018. The full report is available to party members upon request to the Party Chair.
Kent Norton spoke of the need for the United Utah Party and gave a fundraising pitch. Laura Mitchell encouraged people to contribute at the fundraising table at the convention. Hillary Stirling, State Party Executive Director, and Allison Riding spoke about the need for volunteers.
Richard described the circumstances surrounding the drafting of the Constitution of the United Utah Party and stated that it needed to be amended. A summary of proposed amendments for the Party Constitution was distributed. Deon Turley, State Party Secretary, noted the difference between bylaws and constitution and stated that the Party Bylaws would be revised as well. She fielded questions about the revision of the Constitution. Jared Oates moved to approve the revision of the United Utah Party Constitution as outlined; several voices seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 1
Jared Oates introduced the Party Platform revisions, speaking for the Platform Committee. He fielded questions from delegates. Mark Steele moved to approve the Platform revision; the motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously. 1
Richard named the Party leadership officers who were nominated to serve on the Executive Committee. They were as follows:
For State Party Chairperson—Richard Davis
For State Party Vice-chairperson—Hillary Stirling
For State Party Treasurer—David Bateman
For State Party Secretary—Deon Turley
No other individuals had volunteered to run for office. Christine Heath moved to adopt the slate of four candidates for State Party leadership, as presented, by acclamation; the motion was seconded and passed unanimously. 1
Richard introduced a proposal to sponsor an initiative campaign and listed possible topics. Delegates offered feedback regarding the proposal. No clear directive was apparent. Richard agreed to post information and to enable party members to comment on the various options.
Richard directed delegates to the various breakout session rooms where they could meet with delegates from their individual counties. Each group had instructions about what to do during their 30-minute meeting. County officers were elected in the Utah County session.
Delegates gathered in a common area to celebrate the second anniversary of the Party’s founding. Collyn Mosquito welcomed the group and invited founder Richard Davis to speak. Deon Turley read the names of the eight original Party founders and presented quilted wall hangings with the Party logo to each of them. After a rousing cheer, the birthday cake was cut and served.
The convention adjourned at approximately 1:15 PM.
1 Although the recorder for this report could only see and hear the votes of delegates who were seated in the Sandy City location, reports from the remote locations indicate that all delegates there voted for the motion. Had any or all delegates in the convention remote locations opposed the motion, the decision to approve would not have changed.