Now There's a Dream
“Come, join us; enter the conversation. Together we’ll listen. Together we’ll find practical solutions. No person will be discounted. No idea will be shunned. Compromise is not a dirty word here. We can move forward above the current political gridlock with respect, compassion, and dignity for all. Now there’s a dream!!”
--- Debbie Mays, Letter to the Editor, The Herald Journal, March 24, 2018
These words perfectly summarize the excitement, the exhilaration, and the hope that was felt by nearly 900 caucus-goers at the United Utah’s Party’s first ever caucuses held across the state on March 20, 2018.
If you attended, or followed online, then you know that Utahns showed everyone that night that there is a growing hunger and thirst in our state for a party that makes reasonableness, compromise, and practicality its central tenants. There is a great yearning by those who have been left politically homeless by the growing extremism of the Republicans and Democrats to find someplace where they belong.
At the Caucuses, we boldly declared that that someplace is with the
And we need YOUR help to take that
Message to the state capitol and Congress
Sign up TODAY to be a monthly donor! If you and other Utahns will commit to contribute just $20.18 a month, it will give us the resources we desperately need to bring the type of changes to Utah and the Nation that so many are longing for.
If you can’t donate monthly, then please consider making a one-time donation HERE or sign up to be a volunteer!
By donating today, YOU will add your voice to growing chorus of Utahns who have had enough of partisan bickering and extremism.