The United Utah Party nominated January Walker as the party's candidate for CD2 at a special nominating convention on June 27th. "We're thrilled to have January as our nominee. She's a great candidate, has already organized a great campaign team, and will be able to hit the ground running" said Ladd Johnson, United Utah Party Chair.
The two UUP candidates in the race were January Walker and Stone Fonua. "We'd like to extend a huge thank-you to both January and Stone for running. This was the UUP's first contested nominating convention for a federal congressional seat and we expect more in the future as our party continues to grow," Johnson said. January won with 81% of the delegates' vote, to Stone's 19%. The UUP has advanced January's name to the Lieutenant Governor's office as the official party nominee.
"We are making a difference by running candidates and participating in elections," said Johnson. "So many moderate voters who feel disenfranchised in Utah politics are on our side. It's great to have a candidate like January who is focused on building consensus for people who are tired of the extremism in politics."
January's Website
"We are making a difference by running candidates and participating in elections," said Johnson. "So many moderate voters who feel disenfranchised in Utah politics are on our side. It's great to have a candidate like January who is focused on building consensus for people who are tired of the extremism in politics."
January's Website
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