A Call for Volunteers
We always hear about how it takes money to be involved in politics. And it does. Everything from phone bills to yard signs to online ads require financial resources. Over the years, many of you have stepped up to the plate and donated to both the UUP and our candidates so that we can bring another voice to Utah politics. We appreciate each and every donation, large or small.
While every dollar matters, there is another resource that is just as necessary in politics, time.
Chair's Note: The Story Behind Amendment D
As you know, Utah citizens have enshrined in the Utah Constitution the right to present a single issue to Utah voters using a ballot initiative process. The ballot initiative process is very difficult. It requires gathering thousands of signatures of voters across the State to even get the issue to appear on the ballot. If it does appear on the ballot, it still must be approved by a majority of Utah voters.
There have only been a handful of voter initiatives that made it to the ballot and not all of them were approved by UT voters.
United Utah Party Statement on Constitutional Amendment D
September 26, 2024
United Utah Party Statement on Constitutional Amendment D
We applaud the Utah Supreme Court for upholding the ruling that Amendment D to the Utah Constitution is void based on: (i) the Utah legislature attempting to intentionally deceive Utah voters with misleading ballot language; and (ii) the Utah legislature ignoring Constitutional requirements to publish the amendment for the required period of time before the election.
PRESS RELEASE: United Utah Party Endorses 9 Independent Candidates at Special Convention

Tim Roper Joins the UUP
Tim Roper, currently serving on the Clearfield City Council, has announced his change in party affiliation from the Republican Party to the United Utah Party. This decision comes after his recent run for Davis County Commissioner. Roper’s announcement comes on the first day in which Utah citizens are permitted to switch political parties following primary elections under the new restrictive laws imposed by the Utah Republican Party.
"The decision to change my affiliation reflects my commitment to transparent, fair, and effective governance," Roper stated. "The United Utah Party's emphasis on good government, inclusiveness, and pragmatic solutions aligns with my values and vision for our community and state."
The United Utah Party’s platform and objectives are focused on the “5 E’s”: ethical governance, economic growth, educational opportunities, environmental stewardship, and equality. The party emphasizes transparency, reduced partisan influence, increased voter participation, and government accountability.
Ladd Johnson, Chair of the United Utah Party, added, "We are thrilled to welcome Tim Roper to our party. His dedication to ethical governance and community service aligns perfectly with our values."
Roper's move highlights his dedication to a political process that encourages civil debate, respects diverse viewpoints, and seeks common ground. The United Utah Party does not impose rigid stances on its members and candidates but fosters an environment where ideas can be freely explored from all perspectives and optimal solutions crafted through collaboration.
"By joining the United Utah Party, I am reaffirming my belief in the power of collective problem-solving and the importance of engaging all voices in the democratic process," Roper said. "I am excited to work with my new colleagues to address the pressing issues facing our community and to promote policies that benefit all citizens."
Ladd Johnson commented further, "Tim's experience and commitment to public service will be invaluable as we continue to grow and advocate for pragmatic solutions to Utah's challenges. He joins an ever increasing number of Utahns who recognize that the two-party system is dysfunctional and incapable of correcting itself. The changes our society needs will come as more and more common sense citizens follow Tim’s example and start working for real political solutions outside of the two-party system."
For more information about the United Utah Party and its platform, please visit https://www.unitedutah.org).
Read moreThe United Utah Party Condemns Political Violence
We are heartsick to hear the news coming out of Pennsylvania about the shooting at the campaign rally for former President Donald Trump. We are grateful for the Secret Service agents for their quick action in keeping the former president safe and we offer our condolences to the families of the yet unnamed attendees - one of whom was reportedly killed and another seriously injured.
Political violence has no place in the United States of America. We have the right to disagree with our political leaders and government actions, but we express those disagreements with words and with ballots.
We encourage us all to use this event as an opportunity to take a step back from the hate-filled rhetoric and recognize that we are all Americans.
Read moreUnited Utah Party Statement on Utah Supreme Court Decision
The United Utah Party celebrates today’s historic decision from the Utah Supreme Court in the case of League of Women Voters of Utah v. Utah State Legislature.
We believe today’s ruling is significant for two important reasons. First, it allows the continuation of the lawsuit that is at the forefront of fighting Utah’s gerrymandered voting districts. Second, it will protect future voter passed initiatives from being overruled by the legislature. Today’s decision means that Utah citizens have regained their voice in government.
Read moreUnited Utah Party Statement on Conviction of Former President Trump
The conviction of former President Donald Trump brought predictable responses from the two major parties. Republicans claim that the trial and our entire justice system are “shams,”[1] but of course the justice system is not a sham to Republicans when the 6-3 conservative majority on the Supreme Court (that they engineered by denying a hearing to President Obama’s nominee) rules in their favor. Democrats are gleefully plotting how they can use this conviction to campaign against their arch nemesis[2] while glossing over the fact that the prosecuting attorney appears to have campaigned for election on the idea that he would prosecute Donald Trump[3] and used novel legal theories to raise the charges from misdemeanors to felonies[4]. Recent rhetoric from both parties, and particularly from prominent Republicans under former President Trump's influence, has been to undermine the historic and sacred institutions that form the bedrock of our democracy - a fair and impartial judicial system, free and fair elections, and the peaceful transfer of power.
Read moreWhy a third-party candidate is best for Utah attorney general
The United Utah Party is thrilled to have Michelle Quist running as our candidate for Attorney General! Her resume is second to none. Michelle recently published an article in the Deseret News explaining why Utah needs an Attorney General who is not tied to the major political parties. Click here to read it.
Read moreLadd Johnson in the news
Click here to see Ladd Johnson, Party chair, explaining to Brien McElhatten what the United Utah Party stands for, and the challenges and opportunities we face.
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