We Persist

We Persist

Politics can be discouraging, but the alternative is to give up and, as passionate moderates, that’s just not an option for us. Persistence is woven into Utah’s social fabric, and we’re good at playing the long game.

It can work both ways. In 2018, four initiatives made it to the ballot and three passed; in the intervening years, the legislature has gutted each one. In 2019, the legislature passed an unpopular tax reform bill in a December special session that was repealed under threat of referendum. The legislature passed it piecemeal instead.



During the pandemic, we saw local control stripped away, and with this legislative session we’ve seen increasingly extremist bills proposed and some even being passed. Frankly, it can feel exhausting when the opposition is relentless.


We persist. We continue with hope, and with good reason. In the United Utah Party, we uphold the ideals that our nation and state were founded on.


We believe that the government can and should be answerable to the voters. We believe that compassion and justice aren’t mutually exclusive. We are willing to show up, step up, and pay up, even if it’s just $5 per month to support a cause we can truly get behind. We are the ones seeking common ground, common sense, and cool heads. Without us, the extremes take over, and our state suffers.

Despite the stiff headwinds we face, we are seeing real progress and real changes.

We saw not one but two of our candidates earn 43% of the vote last year (breaking 40% for the first time). We’re making headlines and changing the conversation. The number of voters affiliated with the UUP continues to grow. We’re already encouraging Uniters to run for nonpartisan races and gearing up for partisan races in 2024.


Right now, the legislature is making a big push with some of the worst bills yet this year. In addition to the sensational ones covered in the news, they’re trying to change election-related rules to tilt against the people and toward partisan power brokers. Details are below in the legislative watch segment, and I encourage you to let your voice be heard. Contact your legislators, talk to your friends and neighbors, share on social media.

You are so very needed—yes, YOU! We’re in this struggle together to bring about real, meaningful change to Utah one day at a time. Together, let’s build a better Utah.


 —Hillary Stirling, Party Chair

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