Emily Bergeson published Executive Officer Candidate Declaration Form in Volunteer_Old 2023-02-06 22:03:07 -0700
Utah County
Uniters' Picnic!
Join us for food and fun as we get to know fellow Uniters across the State.
When: Saturday, June 26th starting at 5:30pm
Where: Paul Ream Wilderness Park 1600 W 500 N Provo
Food will be provided at no cost.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Utah County Leadership:
Get to know your county leaders!
Chair - Lora Beth Brown
For several years I watched with increasing dismay as politics became more extreme, contentious, and dysfunctional. I followed the news on issues I cared about and regularly emailed my concerns to state and federal legislators. I often thought “Why doesn’t someone do something about --?” When I learned of this new Party in 2017, I realized “I can do something.” I can join with other like-minded voters to make a difference! I am enthusiastic and optimistic that Uniters are already having a positive impact in Utah! I feel great in my new political home and I'm no longer standing on the sidelines wringing my hands!
Vice Chair - Emily Bergeson
Politics is a completely new and different world for me. I spent years letting other people worry about whatever was going on in government. I had too many other things to worry about. I had my career, then my family that seemed to take up every minute of my time. Despite all of the things that needed my attention, I finally got to the point when I couldn't ignore the problems that seemed to grow worse and worse with each election. Since getting involved in politics, I have been happily surprised how rewarding this work can be. There are so many fellow citizens out there who care just as much as I do about coming together and finding real solutions. We might not all wear the same party name-tag or fit in the same box, but we all are willing to put in the work and figure this thing out. I'm glad to have a political party as a vehicle to help me more quickly find other like-minded individuals and get work done!
Acting Secretary - Christine Heath
Emily Bergeson published Executive Officer Role Descriptions in Executive Officer Candidate Declaration Form 2021-02-19 19:33:51 -0700
Executive Officer Role Descriptions
Job Descriptions of United Utah Party Executive Officers
Responsibilities of the United Utah State Chair:
- Collaborate with other State United Utah Party officers to improve the organization and effectiveness of United Utah;
- Establish good relationships with relevant representatives of traditional media outlets and be available and proactive to speak out on behalf of United Utah;
- Collaborate with the Executive Director and Media Committee to develop and implement strategic messaging;
- Identify and recruit United Utah candidates;
- Conduct United Utah Executive Committee meetings as needed to discuss actions such as:
- establish Party vision and review party platform elements,
- approve the Party budget and receive financial reports,
- collaborate to recruit candidates, donors, Party appointees,
- appoint people to fill positions on the Advisory Committee,
- brainstorm actions to accomplish the goals of the Party;
- invite additional specialists as needed for advice, coordination, or reporting;
- Communicate with the Chair of the Events Committee, direct the scheduling of events, and report for them to the Executive Committee;
- Communicate with the Chair of the Fundraising Committee, assist in their work, and report for them to the Executive Committee;
- Plan and conduct state organizing conventions bi-annually or as needed;
- Plan and conduct state nominating conventions bi-annually or as needed;
- Assist with and attend bi-annual county conventions, scheduled as needed.
Responsibilities of the United Utah State Vice Chair:
- Support and assist the State Party Chair as needed and conduct business as directed when the State Party Chair is absent;
- Attend meetings as a voting member of the United Utah Executive Committee to report efforts to facilitate the progress of United Utah in the State and organized counties;
- Communicate with elected county party officers, conduct United Utah County Leadership meetings, and support the activities of the County Party officers, including the planning of annual county conventions;
- Promote the growth of County Party organization with legislative and precinct chairs;
- Communicate with the Political Director, assist in targeting research areas, assist in College/Youth Outreach recruiting and projects, and report their efforts to the Executive Committee;
- Conduct elections of county officers at county conventions.
Responsibilities of the United Utah State Secretary:
- Support and assist the other State Party executive officers as needed;
Attend as a voting member and record the proceedings of State Party Executive meetings and other meetings as requested, including the following:
- Notify those who should attend
- Send a list of meeting agenda, if requested;
- Facilitate a video conference service, if requested;
- Take minutes during the meeting and
- Send copies of the minutes to the appropriate individuals;
- Compile historical documents for United Utah.
Responsibilities of the United Utah State Treasurer:
- Attend Executive Committee meetings as a voting member;
- Study and become knowledgeable about financial state and federal requirements of political parties;
- Maintain financial records from bank accounts;
- Prepare a budget for Executive Committee approval;
- Make deposits of donations received and pay bills in a timely manner;
- Make financial reports to FEC and the Utah Elections Office, as required;
- Make monthly financial reports and recommendations to the Executive Committee;
- Support and assist the other State Party Executive Committee officers as needed.
If you have any questions or would like further clarification on any of the job descriptions above, please contact United Utah's Administrative Assistant
Emily Bergeson published Executive Officer Candidate Declaration Form in Volunteer_Old 2023-02-06 22:03:54 -0700
Executive Officer Candidate Declaration Form
For more information about State Executive Committee Officer roles and responsibilities, click here.
To submit an application for one of the State Executive Committee Offices, fill out the form at the bottom of this page.
Below we will frequently update and provide information regarding candidates who have declared candidacy. For those interested, you are welcome to visit this page frequently to get the most current information.
State Party Chair Candidates:
- Ladd Johnson
State Party Vice Chair Candidates:
- Patricia Bradford
State Party Secretary Candidates:
State Party Treasurer Candidates:
- Brian Fabbi
(Last updated: March 27, 2023)
If you have any questions feel free to contact United Utah's Administrative Assistant.
Become a volunteer - Ladd Johnson
Cache County Fair 2018
Cache County Fair - August 9-11
Become a volunteer -
Immigration Petition July 2018
Dear Utah Congressional delegation:
We, the undersigned, call on the Trump administration and Congress to pass legislation that will correct the current policies of the Trump administration regarding immigration. Through President Trump's executive order of June 20, 2018, the misguided family separation policy has been ended for future detainees, but there is no provision for a change of status of those currently held. And the executive order still treats asylum seekers as criminals by imposing a penalty of imprisonment for those who present themselves to immigration authorities without proper documentation.
We call on you to work in Congress to pass legislation and urge President Trump to sign such legislation that will:
Make it illegal in perpetuity to separate children from their parents when crossing the border.
Provide adequate resources to reunite families that have been torn apart by the recent policy.
Remove the provision of automatic imprisonment of asylum seekers.